Teacher training in Germany is divided into two phases: university studies as the first phase and the so-called preparatory service (initial teacher training) as the second phase, which is completed at a Centre for Practical Teacher Training (ZfsL). 

The ZfsL provides the professional qualification of teachers in close cooperation with training schools. Training takes place in the general pedagogical seminar and in the didactic seminars related to the subjects studied. 


The aim of the training is to build up a professional capacity for action and reflection as a teacher. Trainee teachers are familiarised with the theory and practice of education and teaching in general and their respective teaching subjects on the basis of their studies so that they are capable of independent work at schools. Reflection, diagnostic, assessment, advisory and cooperation skills as well as a willingness to innovate are promoted in a special way with regard to this goal. 

The ZfsL enables experiential and theory-based learning with the aim of making constructive contributions to the development of professional identity.

The professional identity of the trainee teachers is developed in a structured way. This is done, among other things, by analysing and reflecting on experiences in the classroom, by expanding theoretical knowledge in the general pedagogical and subject-related didactic seminars, as well as through person-oriented counselling and counselling on the subject of training. 

The ZfsL are currently the only institutions in teacher training in which current pedagogical and subject didactical findings are systematically transferred into practical examination and methodological application in everyday school practice.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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