Project Results

The aim of the cooperation between the ZfsL Gelsenkirchen and selected European partner institutions is to develop a joint training concept to give prospective teachers and young teachers of all subjects at vocational schools key competencies to cope with the central educational policy challenges of the 21st century (dealing with diversity, promoting digital skills, design education processes for sustainable development) and to motivate them to actively participate in enhancing the European profile of their respective schools.

By means of an exemplary comparative analysis of different national vocational training systems and their didactic and methodological principles as well as the joint conception and evaluation of teaching projects (both via the eTwinning working platform and through cooperation during on-site meetings in Las Palmas and Ankara), previously neglected synergy effects can finally be benefited from, and innovation potentials can be developed. 

A systematic transnational cooperation in teacher training to deal with diversity in the classroom and to promote digital skills will highly contribute to increasing the quality of vocational training in Europe. 

The project is divided into 2 parts, an analysis phase and a concept phase. The first step is to examine the curricular framework and the state of research in the participating countries with regard to concepts for dealing with diversity in the classroom. With regard to one's own teacher action, an analysis tool will be designed to analyse one's own individual teaching in challenging classes. In the application of this tool, own lessons will be videographed in order to discuss the lessons more intensively in the transnational meetings. 

The conceptual phase is about developing approaches to individualise learning processes in heterogeneous classes based on the deeper learning approach. In particular, the extent to which digital tools can offer support is examined. The project participants develop exemplary lessons.

On a second project level, the aim is to consider how dealing with diverse classes can be integrated more intensively into initial teacher training and further teacher training.

The project is organised in such a way that monthly virtual transnational working meetings take place on TEAMS. At the end of the analysis phase and the conceptual phase, project meetings take place face-to-face in Las Palmas and in Ankara.

Further information on the project results in detail can be found here:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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